Is looking to develop an evaluation plan toward the end of being able to quantitatively demonstrate impact?
Needs to select metrics at all levels of your organization's program in order to track progress?
Is ready to develop a series of data stories in order to demonstrate to funders that the work is making a difference in the world?
Are you a leader who...
ISG can help!
ISG understands that organizations need to be able to demonstrate a (positive change) in measurable terms and using data. Thus, we collaboratively help organizations determine which measurement tools and procedures best capture the size, amount and degree of change. While acknowledging that data reporting can seem like a daunting task, we help our partners determine what methods are best for them, while emphasizing a combination of collecting both quantitative and qualitative data.
In order to tell a coherent data story, we help our partners formulate a (business) problem, goals and measurable objectives or outcomes, in being able to then assess the impact and value of a series of actions in achieving those desired outcomes from start to finish. Perhaps more importantly, we support our partners in the identification of measurement practices along the entire programmatic continuum (from inputs to outcomes) in an effort to consistently monitor progress of the work toward ultimate impact.